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The collected opinions of an august and aristocratic personage who, despite her body having succumbed to the ravages of time, yet retains the keen intellect, mordant wit and utter want of tact for which she was so universally lauded in her younger days. Being of a generation unequal to the mysterious demands of the computing device, Lady Bracknell relies on the good offices of her Editor for assistance with the technological aspects of her journal.

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Location: Bracknell Towers

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Rock, paper, scissors (but very little rock, frankly)

Having had her attention drawn to the rather charming paper toys from Readymech (the patterns for which can be downloaded for free) by Popgadget, Lady Bracknell's Editor was inspired to embark on an interwebnet quest to supply those of this blog's readers who are handy with a craft knife, cutting board and glue pen with similar diversions.

The Epson site offers a variety of free papercraft downloads, including a mother and baby giant panda (not, Lady Bracknell suspects, for the papercraft novice), a collection of cacti, seasonal greetings cards and, of course, the exceedingly fine goldfish pictured left.

Elsewhere on the interwebnet, one may download a dinosaur, or create one's own copy of the statue of Christ the Redeemer at Rio de Janeiro.

Readers who eschew the cheerful may be tempted to construct their very own Hidden Cemetery, whilst those who are enamoured of the work of Mr T. Pratchett may divert themselves on an inclement day by fashioning a model of The Luggage, "coloured and textured to simulate sapient pearwood with octiron bindings". Lady Bracknell is rather disappointed to note that "fabrication of hundreds of little feet is left as an exercise for the builder".

It is but a short step from static paper models to automata fashioned from paper or card. (Lady Bracknell was introduced to the joys of automata many years ago at the Cabaret Mechanical Theatre in London's Covent Garden. She subsequently purchased Paul Spooner's wonderful book, Spooner's Moving Animals, which contains patterns for, amongst other things, an automaton of a goat chewing a hot water bottle. The book is now out of print, but both Amazon and Abebooks can supply a handful of untouched copies.)

There is a free download available for this agreeable sheep automaton at the Flying Pig site. The majority of Flying Pig's kits for paper animations are not free, but neither can they be said to be inordinately expensive.

Finally, although there is no paper involved in its construction, Lady Bracknell can not resist the temptation to include a link to a knitting pattern for a Clanger (discovered recently by the Editor whilst searching for pictures of the Froglets to jog Mr Larkin's memory).


Blogger The Goldfish said...

And there was I thinking the origami market had completely folded.


10:36 am  
Blogger Lady Bracknell said...

It is always gratifying to see that one's attempts to illustrate one's blog posts with a specific blogosphere luminary in mind have been appreciated...

10:58 am  
Blogger Wilf said...

These are great - I especially like Readymech's 'Papercut of Death' and the Pirate.

8:15 pm  

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