Enough with the unnecessary wrapping, already!!
When you say that your product provides "a solution" to dress up my bottle of washing-up liquid, you are presupposing that I consider my unadorned bottle of washing-up liquid to be a problem which requires a solution.
Trust me: I don't.
The Editor
Okay, but I really like the fabric. Stupid application, sweet print.
It would have been much better as a pot holder cozy. ;)
Oh, indeed: the fabric is great.
From a thumbnail, I assumed this was actually an apron for a person (as opposed to an apron for a bottle of washing-up liquid) and I was quite tempted. Except that, since last year's frozen shoulder, I can't do anything up behind my back any more. So I wouldn't actually have bought it.
Pot holder cozy - you do know how to make me laugh! :-)
There are more things on heaven and earth than I ever DREAMED existed!
Aye. Truth is stranger than fiction.
Shortly before my folks' 30th wedding anniversary, what we were planning to give them fell through and my friend Pete and I had a mad dash across the North York moors to find something, anything, that would do as an anniversary present. In one short a completely earnest lady attempted to sell me a cover for a vacuum cleaner which was a horse in a dress. She used the adjective beautiful. It wasn't. Not nearly.
A horse. In a dress.
In what way, one wonders, is this supposed to be aesthetically preferable to a vacuum cleaner?
Is your washing up liquid made from extract of pea? I knew the good Lady was posh but this is ridiculous.
I believe it is made from squeezed fairies.
Apparently squeezed fairies are now available in a variety of colours and can do marvellous things with dirty dishes. Without being hidden behind that appalling cover - which makes me wish even more fervently for humanity to invent a 'staircase to heaven'...
We're getting there, according to the latest QI, but possibly won't have anything working in my lifetime. Still, there's always humour! If you can laugh at life, despite MS, you must be made of sterner (or more risible) stuff than me. But I do have a go. And start sentences with forbidden words.
Angie xx
It can't be just me who reads the labels on the bottles and packets on the windowsill as I wash up. They want to spoil all my fun.
"I believe it is made from squeezed fairies."
Yet another example of the way in which the Aristocracy oppresses the workers. As if fairies didn't have enough to do, what with Christmas, christenings and tooth collection, now they're being sieved to make household cleansers.
Come the revolution..........
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