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The collected opinions of an august and aristocratic personage who, despite her body having succumbed to the ravages of time, yet retains the keen intellect, mordant wit and utter want of tact for which she was so universally lauded in her younger days. Being of a generation unequal to the mysterious demands of the computing device, Lady Bracknell relies on the good offices of her Editor for assistance with the technological aspects of her journal.

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Location: Bracknell Towers

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Mind the gap!!

This horrifying news item from Miami reminds Lady Bracknell of a similar story she was once told about a mishap at Clapham Junction railway station.

Lady Bracknell is given to understand that some of the platforms at Clapham Junction are both very long and curved. This curvature results in the gap between the train door and the platform being more than ordinarily wide. (As Lady Bracknell herself has quite enough to do in descending from a carriage the door of which is almost flush to the platform, she can envisage herself being irretrievably marooned on board a train at Clapham Junction. Which is as good a reason as any for her to avoid visiting South London. At least by rail.)

The story goes that a visually impaired lady and her guide dog had travelled to Clapham for a union meeting. On attempting to guide its mistress off the train, the dog fell into the gap between the carriage and the platform. Fortunately, the lady did not follow suit. Equally fortunately, the dog was not injured.

This story might appear to the casual reader to be something in the nature of an urban myth. However, given the integrity of the individual who related it to her, and the circumstances under which it was introduced to the conversation, Lady Bracknell does not doubt its veracity for a moment. Neither does she consider herself to be particularly credulous. As to whether this problem has been taken under consideration in light of the station's obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act, Lady Bracknell cannot say...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am aware of this story and am a frequent traveller to Clapham Junction myself. I can confirm that the width of the gap and the height of the step required to board a train at Clapham Junction is quite as bad as that at Salford in Manchester.

The one saving grace at Clapham is that anyone who is sufficiently mobility-impaired as to find the transit from platform to train or vice-versa to be insurmountable would never have made it through the ludicrously crowded tunnel and up the steep flight of steps onto the platform in the first place!

See, you don't need reasonable adjustmenst inside places you can't access ;<)


8:26 am  

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