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The collected opinions of an august and aristocratic personage who, despite her body having succumbed to the ravages of time, yet retains the keen intellect, mordant wit and utter want of tact for which she was so universally lauded in her younger days. Being of a generation unequal to the mysterious demands of the computing device, Lady Bracknell relies on the good offices of her Editor for assistance with the technological aspects of her journal.

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Location: Bracknell Towers

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Cherchez l'homme

Mr Larkin having departed from civilisation this very afternoon for the mud pools of Glastonbury, Lady Bracknell believes she could have been forgiven for having anticipated that her amanuensis would be temporarily available for the purpose of transcribing her pearls of enviable wisdom onto the screen of the computing device.

Her ladyship is displeased to report, however, that no sooner had Mr Larkin boarded his charrabang than the Editor was making furtive plans to take luncheon with Another Man. And, moreover, a man who is at least twenty years her junior!

Lady Bracknell, who takes a very dim view of such behaviour, is considering despatching a carrier pigeon to a field in Somerset.


Blogger Lily said...

One would be most grateful if said carrier pigeon could be fed vindaloo before setting off for Glastonbury, the better to dive bomb the unscrupulous tent robbing b******s who stole my son's wallet and daughter's money in the early hours of this morning.

6:11 am  
Blogger Lady Bracknell said...

Oh, how miserable!

7:04 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The world is full of such unscrupulous bastardos - ever since birching was stopped I believe!!

7:57 pm  

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